- Followed over 200 accounts on Twitter the first week and 50 when there seemed to be a lag in followers.
- Thanked all new followers.
- Thanked all followers for any retweets, favoriting, or mentioning.
- Thanked all followers for adding me to any lists.
- Posted 5-10 times per day. This included a mix of links to my blog and articles on writing, as well as non-writing related information about me or other topics.
- Utilized Hootsuite to schedule tweets multiple times a day.
- Added ‘Tweet Old Post’ plugin to WordPress to retweet my old posts from my science blog (www.rockheadsciences.com) to my Twitter account.
- Participated in Follow Friday (#FF) to ask my current followers to follow my new followers and other followers that have helped me.
- Asked questions on Twitter to start conversations.
- Responded to questions from followers to start conversations.
- Signed up at www.twittercounter.com to watch my Twitter account growth.
- Updated my Twitter account details.
- Set up Google Alerts so I’m emailed once a day on topics of interest that I can add to my Twitter posts.
- Used Flipboard app to search for additional news stories.
- Used positive blog comments on Twitter posts.
- Posted pictures to generate conversation.
- Participated on a writing process blog tour and posted the link on Twitter. (See http://www.sandiewill.com/blog.html)
- Learned more information on social medial in general through www.yourbrandingpower.com and by attending classes and webinars, as well as participating in a 21-Day Personal Branding Challenge to improve my social media presence.
- Wrote several blogs and posted them on Twitter. My writing blogs were posted twice a day and my science blogs were posted four times a day.
- Reached out to new tweeters to assist growing their followers.
- Listened and followed the advice from fellow tweeters on building a presence on Twitter.
I think I’m off to an excellent start, but next, I plan on expanding my efforts to include those followers that will buy my books. Advice I’ve received from others on Twitter and my social media expert have stressed that it’s not just about the number of followers, it’s also about the quality of the followers. So, I will be focusing more on my target audience. Since my novels are young adult and middle grade, I will be following more students and teachers, as well as those that love to read. I’ll keep you posted.
In the meantime, let me know if you have any questions or recommendations from your own Twitter experience in the comments below.
Good luck on Twitter! --Sandie